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Course Features

Duration 3 hrs
Skill Level 3
Attendee Dietitians, Doctors, Interns, Nurses
Certificate Certificate of Participation
Assessments None
CPE Credits
Price $50

Trainer: Danielle Gaffen, MS RD

Category: Healthcare



NAVIGATING THE GUT: A Clinical Training on GI Disorders & Nutrition

This course will get a deep understanding of various GI disorders, their clinical presentations, and evidence-based nutrition interventions. This course will cover a wide spectrum of GI disorders commonly encountered in clinical practice, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), celiac disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and more. 

How does your patient’s diet affect their Gut Microbiota and what can you do as a dietitian about it ?

Throughout the training, participants will explore the intricate interplay between diet, gut health, and overall well-being. Emphasis will be placed on the latest research findings, dietary guidelines, and practical strategies for assessing and managing GI disorders through nutrition therapy.
